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Local Agenda 21
Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be developed globally, nationally and locally, as it was approved by the United Nation Earth Summit on Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1992 (along with the Rio Declaration, the Conventions on Climate Change and Biological Diversity, the Statement of Forest Principles).
Studio Ricerche Sociali carried out two projects of Local Agenda 21 in Tuscany (Italy) on behalf of specific local authorities: the first one was the Florence municipality during 1999 – 2000; the second one was in the Mountain Community of the Casentino valley (Arezzo) in 2004 – 2006, Agenda 21 Casentino.

The UN (United Nations) Agenda 21 approach is presented in the following e-book.
Agenda 21

Based on the overarching UN Agenda 21 approach, Studio Ricerche Sociali experimented with specific methods, as summarised in the following slides on the Casentino case study.
Agenda 21 – Casentino Sostenibile

The methods concern:
  • involvement of local stakeholders
  • identification of hypotheses of innovative actions taking into analysis the main features of the concerned local context
  • identification of hypotheses of innovative actions concerning thematic issues and specific policy fields in the concerned local context

Logistica: esercizio di benchmarking aziendale on-line

Local Agenda 21: examples
Casentino (Italy)
Agenda Locale 21Sommario
Analisi SWOT
Sintesi principali ipotesi (slides)
Analisi SWOT
Flussi logistici e andamenti aziendali
Firenze (Italy)
Agenda Locale 21 Proposta per una Carta dei principi e dei comportamenti