Publications, reports and lectures
Date | Title | Download |
2008 | Assessment of the 2008-2010 National Reform Programme for Growth and Jobs from a social inclusion perspective - Italy, EU Commission, DG Employment, Brussels | |
2008 | Assessment of the social inclusion strand of the 2008-2010 National Strategy Report for Social Protection and Social Inclusion - Italy, EU Commission, DG Employment, Brussels | |
2008 | "Apprendimento reciproco nelle strategie europee: metodo aperto di coordinamento e scambio di buone pratiche" in Dare valore alle pratiche. Economia sociale e formazione continua per lo sviluppo del territorio. Esperienze EQUAL in Europa, Provincia di Trento (Italia) | |
2008 | Bilancio sostenibile partecipato, Comune di Vicchio, Italia | |
2008 - 2006 | Monitoring and evaluation of Art.6 - ESF projects, managed by Italian applicants, on behalf of EC DG Employment and coordinated by LRDP - KANTOR Ltd (London) | |
2007 | The Awards Handbook: A manual for implementing the Sustainable Life Development (SLD) approach. | |
2007 | Trends, Recent Developments, "Feeding in" and "Feeding out", A study of National Policies - Italy, EU Commission, DG Employment, Brussels | |
2007 | Assessment of countries' responses to the "Questionnaire on Poverty and Social Exclusion of Children in the EU Member States - Italy, EU Commission, DG Employment, Brussels | |
2007 | Tackling child poverty and promoting the social inclusion of children, report, European Commission | |
2007 | Bilancio sostenibile partecipato, Comune di Vicchio, Italia | |
2007 | Strategie integrate di welfare e occupazione per uno sviluppo sostenibile nella Provincia di Campobasso, Molise, Italy | |
2007 | Integrazione tra politiche e servizi relativi all'occupazione e all'esclusione sociale nella Provincia di Pisa, Toscana, Italy, EQUAL project IT-G2-TOS-021 | |
2007 | The AWARDS Sources for Changes, AWARDS project (ESF Art. 6). | |
2006 | "Feeding in" and "Feeding out", and Integrating Immigrants and Ethnic Minorities, report, European Commission | |
2006 | Trends, Recent Developments, Active Inclusion and Minimum Resources - Italy, EU Commission, DG Employment, Brussels. | |
2006 | Assessment of the Italian social inclusion policies, report, European Commission | |
2006 | Agenda Locale 21 Casentino, web-site and CD ROM, Comunità Montana del Casentino (Italy) | |
2006 | Profili di povertà, lecture, Conference on poverty and social exclusion, Agenzia per linclusione sociale, Trani (Italy) | |
2005 | The European Network for Sustainable District Logistics (ENSDL), lecture, Conference on EU programmes, Szeged (Hungary) | |
2005 | Dinamiche demografiche, immigrazione, politiche sociali, lecture, International Conference Vision 2020, Provincia di Piacenza, Piacenza (Italy) | |
2005 | Il processo di inclusione sociale attraverso il Metodo Aperto di Coordinamento, lecture, Conference on social economy and labour and social inclusion, Coriss, Cilap, Crotone (Italy) | |
2005 | Assessment of the Italian NAP inclusion Implementation Report 2003 2005, report, European Commission | |
2005 | Il processo di inclusione sociale attraverso il metodo aperto di coordinamento (OMC) in Le politiche di accompagnamento e di sostegno al reddito: Atti del Convegno, Cilap, Provincia di Potenza (Italy) | |
2005 | Evaluation of the Open Method of Coordination (OMC) in order to prepare the streamlining in the field of social protection, report, European Commission | |
2005 | Social Inclusion of Immigrants Italy, lecture, Meeting of the Network of independent experts on social inclusion, EC DG Employment, Budapest (Hungary) | |
2004 | La strategia di Lisbona e lo sviluppo sviluppo regionale sostenibile: riferimenti teorici e buone pratiche, lecture, International Forum, Obbiettivo Impresa, EuroIDEES, Macomer (Italy) | |
2004 | La dimensione locale della sostenibilità, lecture, Conference on the EU Lisbon Strategy, EuroIDEES, Enna (Italy) | |
2004 | Report on the implementation of the Italian NAP inclusion on local level, European Commission | |
2004 | Report on the Italian NAP inclusion 2003, European Commission | |
2004 | Advanced techniques for the planning and management of regional development to the aim of sustainability: successful experiments in the European Union, lecture, the Amazon International Fair II, Manaus (Brazil) | |
2004 | Ricerca azione sullauto-imprenditorialità per fasce deboli, report, FIL Prato (Italy) | |
2004 | Sustainable District Logistics: a Theoretical framework for understanding a new paradigm, discussion paper, INNESTO project | |
2004 | Sustainable District Logistics: an Operational framework for implementing a new approach, handbook, INNESTO project | |
2004 | Stakeholders Involvement in the Sustainable District Logistics approach, report, INNESTO project | |
2004 | Local Context Analysis, District Logistics Analysis, Local Scenario Workshop of the Casentino case study, 3 internal reports, INNESTO project | |
2004 | Role of local authorities in Italy, lecture, Meeting of the Network of independent experts on social policies, EC DG Employment, Firenze (Italy) | |
2004 | Multi-level governance of employment policies orientated towards sustainable development, paper, the 4th REGIONET Workshop, Brussels (Belgium) | |
2004 | Structural Funds and Sustainable Development: The SQM approach in Innovation, Vol. 17, n. 1 | |
2004 | Taccuino di primo orientamento per studenti delle terze medie, booklet, Provincia di Arezzo (Italy) | |
2003 | The governance of social inclusion policies: a comparison between the national and regional experiences in Italy, lecture, Workshop on the implementation of the EU acquis on combating social exclusion in Lithuania, TAIEX , EC DG Enlargement, Dubingai (Lithuania) | |
2003 | Report on the Italian NAP inclusion 2001, European Commission | |
2003 | The INNESTO project, lecture, Workshop on scenarios for freight transport, IPTS, Seville (Spain) | |
2003 | GISELLA (Gavorrano Impresa Sostenibile e Laboratorio Locale Aperto), CD ROM on sustainable entrepreneuships, Provincia di Grosseto (Italy) | |
2003 | Linee guida dei Piani di Azione Locale per loccupazione e lo sviluppo sostenibile nella Regione Molise e nelle Province di Campobasso ed Isernia, report, Progetto SPINN, Italia Lavoro (Italy) | |
2003 | I Servizi pubblici per limpiego e lo Sviluppo occupazionale, Italia Lavoro, Roma, book and CD ROM | |
2002 | Sustainable District Logistics: understanding a new paradigm, short paper, INNESTO project | |
2002 | La Logistica di Distretto Sostenibile: una nuova impostazione, documento riassuntivo,INNESTO project | |
2002 | Promozione del Centro Pari Opportunità (CPO), CD-Rom on equal opportunities good practices, Provincia di Siena (Italy) | |
2002 | Imprendere 21, web-site on sustainable enterprise, Provincia di Arezzo (Italy) | |
2002 | ATANOR, web-site on innovation services, Provincia di Arezzo (Italy) | |
2001 | ANYWAY, web-site on distance vocational guidance and training for women, Provincia di Firenze (Italy) | |
2001 | ILO 2000 - Le Piagge, report on proposals for a local sustainable development initiative, Provincia di Firenze (Italy) | |
2001 | Dal trasporto allaccesso sostenibile, lecture, Workshop Legambiente Toscana (Italy) | |
2001 | Le professioni dellarea biologica, economica, sociale, turistica, sanitaria, agraria, ambientale, artigianale artistica, 8 booklets on vocational guidance, Provincia di Firenze (Italy) | |
2000 | Impresa sostenibile: un futuro in forte crescita, booklet, Provincia di Arezzo (Italy) | |
2000 | Verso un lavoro sostenibile, booklet, Provincia di Arezzo (Italia) | |
2000 | Futuro: un'impresa sostenibile, booklet, Provincia di Arezzo (Italia) | |
2000 | Prometeo, CD ROM on project management and local sustainable development), AVR Cosenza (Italy) | |
2000 | "Tools: availability and appropriateness. Lessons from pilot projects and research" in Regions - Cornerstones for Sustainable Development, Edita Ldt, Helsinki (Finland); lecture, European Conference on Regions cornerstones for sustainable development 1999, EC, Academy of Finland, Joenssu (Finland) | |
2000 | Proposta di fattibilità per una gestione imprenditoriale sociale del Parco Minerario Naturalistico di Gavorrano e per l'avvio di prime sperimentazioni, report, Comune di Gavorrano (Italy) | |
2000 | Carta dei principi e dei comportamenti per la creazione e la gestione dell'Agenda Locale 21 del Comune di Firenze, report, Comune di Firenze (Italy) | |
2000 | Effects of Transport Infrastructure and Transportation Costs on the Development of European Regions. Outline of a Qualitative Assessment Tool, summary, IPTS Seville (Spain) | |
2000 | Effects of Transport Infrastructure and Transportation Costs on the Development of European Regions. Outline of a Qualitative Assessment Tool, report, IPTS Seville (Spain) | |
2000 | Risultati dellindagine sulla spesa a domicilio, report, Comune di Firenze (Italy) | |
2000 | REBB, CD ROM on sustainable tourism for the European network of bed and breakfast entrepreneurs, CORA (Italy) | |
Other Publications:2009 to date/1991-1999/1971-1990 |