Human Resources Development
Vocational guidance, training, teaching and facilitation | ||
Year | Project title or typology | Main client |
2011 | Effectiveness of Open Method of Coordination and Social Communication in the Social Inclusion Process | Regione Marche (Italy), Open Project under the EU PROGRESS Programme |
2010 | Labour Square. Beyond the crisis: Sustainable Development strategies | Comune di Fucecchio (Italy) |
2010 | The European Social Policy within the perspectives of the EU 2020 Strategy | EIRC Foundation, Sofia (Bulgaria) |
2010 | Project design and management | Focus Europe, University of Shkoder (Albania) |
2009 | European strategy for development and employment | Pluriversum, Provincia di Cosenza (Italy) |
2009 | European strategies, project management | Focus Europe, Provincia di Roma (Italy) |
2009 | Diogenes Leonardo European Union programme | Melius, Provincia di Arezzo (Italy) |
2008 | Practitioners in planning and organisation of socio-educational initiatives and services | Agenzia formativa Khepa, Poppi- Arezzo (Italy) |
2008 2007 | Rules for bio-building | Agenzia per lo Sviluppo Empolese Valdelsa (Italy) |
2007 2005 | R.A.I.L. (locally integrated employment services) | Agenzia per lo Sviluppo Empolese Valdelsa (Italy) |
2007 | Communication methods | Enfap Toscana (Italy) |
2007 | Social and tourism laws | Istituto Statale di istruzione Superiore Enrico Fermi Poppi (Italy) |
2006 | Local authorities and sustainable development | Agenzia per lo Sviluppo Empolese Valdelsa (Italy) |
2006 | Local Agenda 21 (thematic issues) | Comune di Firenze (Italy) |
2006 | Agritourism | Coldiretti, Siena (Italy) |
2006 | Networks and sustainable development | Le Reti di Kilim, Firenze (Italy) |
2006 | NEW-AGRI (sustainable agriculture) | CIPA AT Toscana (Italy) |
2006 | La Costa della Conoscenza (integrated policies) | Provincia Livorno Sviluppo (Italy) |
2005 2002 | Project management and EU Structural Funds | UPI TECLA, Brussels (Belgio) e Roma (Italy) |
2005 2003 | Energy and sustainable logistics and transportation | Università di Siena e Campus di Lucca (Italy) |
2005 2004 | Local Agenda 21 | Comunità Montana del Casentino (Italy) |
2005 2004 | Business communication and marketing in goldsmith industry | ENFAP Toscana (Italy) |
2005 | FLOVITUR (sustainable rural development) | Agenzia per lo Sviluppo Empolese Valdelsa (Italy) |
2005 | Locally integrated plans on social inclusion policies | Provincia di Campobasso (Italy) |
2005 | Enterprise creation and sustainable development | Irecoop Toscana (Italy) |
2005 | Outlet salesmanship | ENFAP Toscana (Italy) |
2005 | Social inclusion, sustainable development) | Comune di Firenze (Italy) |
2004 2003 | NET-MET (employment and social policies) | Agenzia per lo Sviluppo Empolese Valdelsa (Italy) |
2004 | FOPSI (modernisation of the employment services) | Pluriversum, Siena (Italy) |
2004 | TWINS BEAT (sustainable tourism) | CORA (Italy) |
2004 | Vocational guidance for young students | Provincia di Arezzo (Italy) |
2004 | Wine-and-food tourism | CESCOT Siena (Italy) |
2003 2002 | GISELLA (sustainable entrepreneurship) | Provincia di Grosseto (Italy) |
2003 2002 | Change Facilitators | Provincia di Livorno Sviluppo (Italy) |
2003 2002 | Project management and EU Structural Funds | Agenzia per lo Sviluppo Empolese Valdelsa (Italy) |
2003 | Sustainable development and employment | Italia Lavoro (Italy) |
2003 | COSTELLAZIONE (training agency managers) | CORA (Italy) |
2003 | Bed and breakfast entrepreneurs | Provincia di Massa Carrara (Italy) |
2002 2001 | ANYWAY (training and distance learning for women) | Provincia di Firenze (Italy) |
2002 and 1997 | Enterprise creation and self-employment | Istituto Fossombrone di Arezzo (Italy) |
2001 1998 | Enterprise creation and self-employment | Provincia di Arezzo (Italy) |
2001 | Equal opportunities between men and women | Istituto Piero della Francesca, Arezzo (Italy) |
2001 | European employment strategy and services | FIL, Provincia di Prato (Italy) |
2001 | Training planning and services | UCODEP di Arezzo (Italy) |
2001 | European employment strategy | Provincia di Firenze, Comune di Fucecchio (Italy) |
2001 | Sustainable tourism entrepreneurship | LIFE Empoli (Italy) |
2001 | Project management and European Social Fund | Provincia di Firenze (Italy) |
2001 | PASS (project management and EU Structural Funds) | ITCS Pezzullo and Ordine Ingegneri, Cosenza (Italy) |
2000 1999 | IMPRENDERE 21, sustainable entrepreneurs hip | Provincia di Arezzo (Italy) |
2000 1999 | Harbour-related employment and transport policies | Regione Toscana, Autorità Portuale di Livorno (Italy) |
2000 1999 | WEGA, enterprise creation and self-employment | Centro Retravailler Provincia di Firenze (Italy) |
2000 | REBB (bed and breakfast European network) | CORA (Italy) |
2000 | ILO 2000 (local employment initiative 2000) | Provincia di Firenze, Italia |
2000 | PATHS (local development women agents) | CORA Livorno (Italy) |
2000 | Bed & Breakfast managed by women | CORA, Livorno (Italy) |
2000 | ASSO, entrepreneurship and sustainable development | Regione Toscana, CID CGIL Mugello (Italy) |
2000 | Schools and employment services | Provincia di Arezzo (Italy) |
2000 | Environmental and cultural heritage entrepreneurship | Regione Toscana, Eurobic Siena (Italy) |
2000 | Enterprise creation towards sustainable development | Provincia di Firenze and Comune di Empoli (Italy) |
2000 | Project management and EU Structural Funds | Provincia di Arezzo (Italy) |
1999 1998, 1996 1994 and 1992 | University, school and labour market | Istituti Istruzione Superiore di Agliana (Capitini), Firenze Scandicci (Peruzzi Sassetti), Fucecchio (Cecchi) and Pistoia (Italy) |
1999 1998 and 1995 | Women empowerment in railways stations | Comitato Pari Opportunità, Ferrovie dello Stato (Italy) |
1999 - 1998 | Sustainable Logistics in Casentino | Provincia di Arezzo (Italy) |
1999 | Local Agenda 21 (sustainable development) | Comune di Firenze (Italy) |
1999 | CESID, local development women agents | Provincia di Siena (Italy) |
1999 | Post-graduate courses on environmental economy | ELEA Firenze (Italy) |
1999 | Problem solving methods in social services | Agenzia per lo Sviluppo Empolese Valdelsa (Italy) |
1999 | Enterprise creation and employment services | Comune di Fucecchio (Italy) |
1999 | Local Agenda 21 (Sustainable Quality Management) | ARPAT (Italy) |
1999 1995 | Employment policies, enterprise creation and self-employment | Informagiovani di Scandicci, Comune di Castelfiorentino e ITC Fra Luca Pacioli di San Sepolcro (Italy) |
1998 and 1996 | Organisational methods and management | CORA (Italy) |
1998 | Corporate strategy in tourism industry and hotel trade | Ente Bilaterale Venezia (Italy) |
1998 | Environmental change and sustainable indicators | Università di Siena (Italy) per conto della CE DG XII |
1998 | Sustainable tourism | Provincia di Firenze, Comune di S. Casciano (Italy) |
1998 | Labour market and employment policies | Province di Firenze e Siena (Italy) |
1998 | Employment polices and services modernisation | Provincia di Grosseto (Italy) |
1998 | Enterprise creation and self-employment | Agenzia per lo Sviluppo Empolese Valdelsa, Centro Retravailler e Provincia di Firenze (Italy) |
1998 | REFES, social enterprise creation | Provincia di Firenze (Italy) |
1998 | ARIANE (women entrepreneurship and employment) | CORA (Italy) |
1998 | Vocational training for redundant workers | ENAIP Toscana (Italy) |
1998 | Methodologies for training needs assessment | IAL Toscana (Italy) |
1997 - 1995 | Regional vocational guidance networking laboratory | Regione Toscana (Italy) |
1997 - 1996 | SOL (local development and employment services) | FIL, Provincia di Prato (Italy) |
1997 and 1996 | Sustainable tourism in Valtiberina | Provincia di Arezzo (Italy) |
1997 | Employment policies (immigrant s and young people) | Provincia di Firenze (Italy) |
1997 | Entrepreneurship of immigrant citizens | Regione Toscana (Italy) |
1997 | Entrepreneurship in cultural heritage industry | Provincia di Firenze (Italy) |
1997 | Project management and European Structural Funds | FINEC Bologna (Italy) |
1996 - 1994 | Tourism and local development | Regioni Toscana e Sicilia (Italy) |
1996 - 1991 | Enterprise creation and self-employment (several courses for several target groups) | Centri Retravailler e Province di Arezzo, Firenze, Grosseto, Livorno, Pistoia, Prato, Siena (Italy) Comune di Orbetello (Italy) |
1996 - 1990 | Labour and social inclusion of vulnerable groups (women included) | Province di Arezzo, Firenze, Livorno, Massa Carrara, Prato, Siena, (Italy) |
1996 | Entrepreneurship in social services (nurseries) | FIL e Provincia di Prato (Italy) |
1994 | Cultural, social, green and eco-tourism | Province di Livorno, Lucca e Prato (Italy) |
1994 | Industrial archaeology and contemporary art | Provincia di Prato (Italy) |
1994 | Labour and social inclusion of redundant workers | Regione Toscana (Italy) |
1994 | OASI, women entrepreneurship | ECIPA - CNA Toscana (Italy) |
1993 - 1989 | Transport policies and their environmental impact | Università Verdi della Toscana (Italy) |
1993 | Transport policies and European Community | FILT-FIT-UILtrasporti, Massa Carrara (Italy) |
1993 | Patterns of endogenous and exogenous development | CGIL di Livorno (Italy) |
1993 | Labour legislation and policy | Università di Trento (Italy) |
1993 | Entrepreneurship of redundant workers | Regione Toscana e FOPRI (Italy) |
1992 | Labour policy and legislation, employment agencies | FOPRI (Italy) |
1991 - 1990 | Employment agency front-office services | Provincia di Pistoia, Associazione Intercomunale di Prato e SPO (Italy) |
1991 | Decentralisation and efficiency in local authorities | Comune di Prato e RCS (Italy) |
1991 | Forwardering agencies, maritime and port policies | SPEDIPORTO di Genova (Italy) |
1991 | Statistics and research methodology | Associazione Intercomunale Area Pratese (Italy) |
1991 | Employment policies and agencies | Regione Lazio e SPO (Italy) |
1991 | Euroconsultants (project management) | Comitato Pari Opportunità, Regione Liguria, ANCIFAP (Italy) |
1989 - 1988 | Equal Opportunities and employment agencies | CRAS e Regioni Sardegna, Calabria, Basilicata (Italy) |
1987 | Logistics, work organisation and management | Associazione Intercomunale e FILT Prato (Italy) |
1987 | Vocational guidance and employment agencies | Provincia di Siena (Italy) |
1984 - 1974 | Work organisation, labour and transport policies | Sindacati nazionali e regionali (Italy) |